Then, suddenly, we emerged into brilliance—a dazzling light piercing through the clouds to reveal theice-crystal beauty of the towering, snow-laden Dolomites. It felt like stepping into a dream as the mountains stood majestically, glowing in the winter sun. This was the start of our first Christmas market adventure, and the magic had already begun.Our seaside […]
Read moreAnother good friend, Alessandro, who is a leading FISAR* sommelier, and his wife, Kristina, drove us to a large, private estate on the outskirts of the charming historic stone city of Campiglia Marittima. The location “Villa Tramonto” – Campiglia Marittima When we entered through the gates and traveled up the private road to the estate’s […]
Read moreUnlike traditional horse races, in the Palio the horse can cross the finish line without a rider and still “win” for the Contrada (the term for the 17 fiercely competing City districts). Also, horses are selected by lot the week of the race, leaving little time for jockey/horse practice. And finally there is strategy among […]
Read moreToday I felt “special joy” since this day was a “mini mission” to deliver invitations for my 73rd birthday party to some shop-owner friends on my walk to the sea. In my previous article, I listed the reasons that led me to choose San Vincenzo as my new home (here’s the article >>> “Introduction to “Ralph’s Corner” – Coming to San Vincenzo”). I always enjoyed the […]
Read more“Have you ever considered retiring in another country?” I asked Lynn not knowing what to expect, but logically thinking the response would be a safe, emphatic “no”! To my surprise, the mention of Italy seemed to ignite something very exciting within her–as if an electric switch had been flipped, illuminating a path towards a new […]
Read moreAnd what’s the best moment to search the web? The best moment to buy a property in Italy goes between September & November. Yes, it may look like a way-too-straightforward answer, but let’s delve deeper into the main reasons behind it, which are three: 1# Owners go back to their lives The owner of a […]
Read moreIt’s a question a lot of people ask themselves, probably including you who are reading this In recent weeks we have received many requests from people, both from Italy and abroad, interested in selling or buying a house, asking us how to take advantage of this great opportunity that the Government has made available to […]
Read moreThe tax deduction applies to work performed from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022. However, anyone who has carried out works for at least 60% of the total intervention by June 30, 2022 will be entitled to the 110% deduction also for expenses incurred until December 31, 2022. Who is eligible for Superbonus 110? […]
Read more1 euro house in Italy: how does it work? what’s the procedure? Let’s start by saying that Italy is rich in small, beautiful villages that, since the first and second post-war period are becoming increasingly depopulated.To save them, here comes the brilliant and desperate idea: sell the houses at a symbolic price, but at a […]
Read moreHowever, there are some aspects that may “slow down” the race to buy in the “Bel Paese”. In the meantime, I would like to start by giving you a figure: When we are contacted by a potential buyer interested in buying a second home, we obviously conduct an interview with the customer, aimed at knowing […]
Read moreWhat is the correct procedure to follow for restoring a house in Italy? Let’s start by saying that I recommend you read this article even before you start looking for a property to buy.Why?When planning about restoring a house in Italy, it is precisely the bureaucracy that discourages and frightens foreign real estate investors, often in […]
Read moreHowever, here is the link to the post where I explained all these aspects! In this article, I’ll provide further details: 1 – We will discuss the cost items to restore a property in Italy; 2 – What are the possible constraints to which a property can be subject. It is very important that you […]
Read moreIf you follow my channels or read my articles, you already know many aspects concerning the correct procedure to search for a property (if you have not done so, here is the link) a list of the preliminary documentation to obtain from the owner of the property you are interested in purchasing. However, in the […]
Read moreYou have collected the introductory information (where to invest, what are the prices in that area, how much it costs to buy a house in Italy, etc…), but now it is appropriate to know how much time passes from the time you have found the right house and when you will take possession of it. […]
Read moreWell, to buy a house in Italy you have to follow three simple steps: 1 – Purchasing proposal Once you have found the right house, you make a purchase proposal accompanied with a first deposit (even if not very substantial but necessary to demonstrate your genuine willingness to buy the property); The proposal is aimed […]
Read moreWith this article you will understand exactly how to get to this important moment and which documents, in the preceding weeks, the notary will ask you – what happens and how it happens during the final deed in Italy. Notarial final deed in Italy – hints: Let’s start by saying that the deed, although it […]
Read moreSeveral real estate operators and programmers of websites dedicated to the search for properties in Italy completely overlook this aspect. I’ll start by explaining how Italy is politically divided. The entire Italian territory is subdivided into 20 regions (Tuscany, Liguria, Puglia, Lombardy, Valle d’Aosta, Piedmont, Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Emilia Romagna, Marche, […]
Read moreReleased by Antonio Anile Today, we’ll talk about how important it is to check the legal situation of the condo in which the house you intend to buy is placed. In the meantime, it is advisable to give you some basic information on what is meant by “condo” (Condominio) in Italy. A building in which […]
Read moreThe tax code is very important for a foreigner who decides to live in Italy.Thanks to it you can: The only entity authorized to issue the tax code is the Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate). If you have found your ideal home to buy in Italy, you must have a tax code from the earliest […]
Read moreHere are the key points: 1) Normally, the evaluation time for this type of loan is longer.In fact, the paperwork is always sent to the central departments and undergoes a more in-depth evaluation process.At least one and a half months is usually required for the evaluation; in addition to this time, we must also consider […]
Read moreSuppose you are a U.S. citizen who wants to buy his second home here in Italy, or that you want to permanently move here to spend your old age here in the “Bel Paese”. You will, therefore, buy in Euro, but you own Dollars.In any purchasing process (not only in the real estate business), you […]
Read moreHow much does it cost to have a bank account in Italy? The total cost of a bank account consists of a fixed fee and a part of variable expenses.The main fixed costs are the annual fees, the fees related to any payment cards, stamp duties, and/or the cost of sending communications to the customer. […]
Read moreWhen you buy a property in Italy, what are the costs of the commission for the real estate agency? If you buy a house through a real estate agency, the commission due to the agency is around 3% of the purchase price + 22% VAT. Once the owner of the property has informed the applicant […]
Read moreThey have contacted me telling me they have read our guide “Things to know BEFORE looking for a house to buy in Italy” and that they have found it particularly illuminating. Luise and Paul have been searching for a property in Italy for a long time, and they already came several times here in Tuscany […]
Read moreYou know very well that, in Italy, lawsuits are resolved on average in no less than 4/5 years!So what should be done not to fall into such traps if you plan to safely buy a property in Italy? Let me show you what I would do make sure that the house I am buying is […]
Read moreI’m not a magician and I don’t foresee the future, but I know you will: At this point, two things can occur: 1. As a result, if you have been lucky you will have identified the property you have been looking for… but it is not over yet: now you will have to focus on […]
Read moreThe numerous trips have brought me to know little corners of paradise and less known and more authentic areas of Tuscany. One of these is the Etruscan Coast, which encloses a large stretch of coastline between Livorno and Piombino, and includes the Island of Elba, the real pearl of the Tuscan Archipelago. The name Costa […]
Read morePosting such checks could result in unfortunate inconveniences, like finding out that the estate can’t be freely bought or sold (for instance because of particular constraints or architectural issues). In this case, it could be difficult get the bond back from the owner, especially if the deposit amount of money has already been spent. In […]
Read moreIt is possible that you have been curious about the following: What is a B&B? or How to open a B&B in Italy? Bed and Breakfast (B&B) is a mini hospitality venture that provides nightlong accommodation and only breakfast. In Tuscany, usually a minimum of six bedrooms are provided for commercial use. The national reform […]
Read moreIn some cases, It’s not so easy to obtain all the documents certifying their regularity and often you only realize the irregularities after thorough verification. I know what you are thinking …why does the owner of the property not verify that everything is in order before putting it on the market? There are 2 main […]
Read moreHow to look for a House? … How the “game” works! You know, it is not easy to look for a house in your city despite having the advantage of knowing market value, the best areas, the services that are present around the property, let alone in a far area from where you live that […]
Read moreYou know, every year hundreds of people from all over the world want to buy a house in Italy and be part of the magic of our country. There are many reasons for this: There is a problem, however.And which is that Italy – although magnificent – has some bureaucratic, procedural and cultural peculiarities that […]
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