I am Antonio Anile, I was born in Milan on the 22nd of May 1976 and I have been a Real Estate Agent since 1996.
I graduated in “marketing and business organization” from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
I had experience in the real estate field around Milan for about twenty years, then I had a dream to achieve: which was to move to Tuscany with my wife Mary Ann and our two children Alessia and Nicolas…. And I did!
In 2016 my agency was awarded the prestigious CRS (Certified Residential Specialists) certification by the NAR (National Association of Realtors) which is the most important real estate agents’ trade association in the United States and which recognizes a high standard of service and professional ethics by those who receive it.
My name is Antonio Anile and I was born from the union of my mother Patrizia and my father Salvatore, two humble people from Southern Italy who had to grow up quickly and rapidly “detached” from their families of origin to go and seek their fortune in Northern Italy.
They have always worked as simple factory workers.
They always taught me, by controlling their temperament, what ‘dedication to work’ and sacrifice meant, two ingredients that I bring daily into my current professional life.
Until the age of 13, for almost 10 years, I attended an “after school” during the school year and during the summer period, when the schools were closed, I went to the “Institute of the Canossian Sisters of Seregno”.
It was a significant stage in my life because in this long period of time I received a very … very rigid education that allowed me to become what I am today, that is a father who is dedicated to the education and discipline of his children.
My great passion for football has accompanied me ever since I was born and I have always been a big fan of FC Inter Milan, the team of my heart and my city, Milan.
I love teamwork and of course, I inherited this characteristic from the fact that I have always participated in team sports. I love helping my team mates as well as getting support from my other team mates’ adventures during times of difficulty.
After graduating, following a brief working experience of a few months in the factory, the much-coveted call to the Compulsory Service of Military Lever arrived.
I consider this parenthesis as one of the most beautiful of my existence.
The detachment from home and the departure from my comfort zone, my family, both of which I was accustomed to, in a few short days catapulted me into a reality where there was rigour and respect for the rules. The year of military service culminated with an amazing experience, where I spent 2 months in Sicily, in Palermo to be precise, during which I had the honour of guarding the front of the houses of two Italian heroes, the judges Falcone and Borsellino.
The rigour and discipline, which I received during my military service, have contributed a great deal to the shaping of the man I am today.
After military service, I immediately started working in a real estate agency, first as a simple collaborator and then as an agency manager.
After 7 years of experience, I decided to open my own agency in 2003 all on my own in the province of Milan.
My first office had an area of about 25 square metres, but it gave me a lot of satisfaction because it allowed me to achieve one of my great dreams which was to start a family and buy a house.
From the love I shared with my wife Mary Ann, our first baby Nicolas was born in 2007.
It is precisely at this very moment that I fulfilled the greatest dream of my life which was to become a father.
Only after 2 years, Alessia our “princess” was born in 2009, our second child.
One male and one female. What more could you ask for from life?
In my work, I try to “raise the bar” every day and to constantly innovate through continuous training. I felt that I was always missing something, but I couldn’t understand what it was and so in 2011, I enrolled at university to accomplish another lifelong dream.
Almost everyone thought I was going crazy.
Our profession is considered as one of the most challenging and stressful on a mental level and thinking of graduating, working and carrying out an activity on its own, seemed like a utopia.
I enrolled at the State University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in the Faculty of Communication and 6 months before schedule, I graduated with a degree in Marketing and Business Organization.
I must thank my family, my wife and my children for this great achievement, they all supported me and endured my absences to study and prepare for university exams throughout these years.
In 2015, my wife and I, had a dream to move closer to the sea in Tuscany with our two children.
After the birth of Alessia and Nicolas, of course, is the most second most important goal that we have managed to achieve.
We wanted to achieve our dream of being able to bring up our children in a completely different setting from the one in which we grew up in, more in contact with nature.
This transfer has also led us to change our strategic orientation at a work level, because the territory that we now “sell” is sought after from all over the world.
If you’ve read up to this point it makes me extremely happy.
While I consider myself to be a lucky person for what life has offered me, on other hand I can say that most of the dreams I have achieved are the result of great sacrifices especially when making major decisions.
I’ve always thought that we don’t get a second chance in life to try and achieve our dreams. For this reason, I hope to help you to achieve yours, that is to say, buying a property here in Tuscany.
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