Property in Italy: best price is found browsing through INVISIBLE houses!
Yes, you got it right. You could purchase a property in Italy at the best price possible.. if you would know where to look for it!
When looking for a house in a place far from where we live, we are all led to use the classic procedure that I will quickly expose you, and of which I speak extensively in an article I published a few weeks ago.
As anticipated, we expect to buy a property in Italy at the best possible price.
For instance, imagine you live in New York and want to buy an apartment here in Tuscany, where our office is located.
I’m not a magician and I don’t foresee the future, but I know you will:
Go to the main real estate portals and start browsing various listings about Tuscany, fully convinced to be able to find your property in Italy at the best price.
Select the listings of the properties you find most interesting.
Moreover, you will contact the various agencies directly or by sending a request through their real estate websites, to receive specific information about that property. Often, you will not receive a reply because few of them can communicate in your language.
Put together a few properties that you want to visit within a limited time of a few days.
Agree with the various agencies the date and time of the multiple visits.
Organize your trip.
Finally, you will do your tours with the various agencies, combined to a short holiday – if there will be any free time left.
At this point, two things can occur:
1. As a result, if you have been lucky you will have identified the property you have been looking for… but it is not over yet: now you will have to focus on the entire process you will have to face to perform a purchase safe from inconveniences. 2. Otherwise, you’ll go back to your home and have to start all over again.
Why did we talk about the possibility of buying Invisible Houses??
Consider that, for several reasons, only about the 50% of the houses actually on sale will appear on the web.
You don’t believe that? I’ll give you some interesting data, for you to verify yourself.
In the city where I operate, San Vincenzo (Tuscany), there are 23 real estate agencies. I’ve counted them, trust me, but you can do it too by entering on Google “list of real estate agencies San Vincenzo”.
Of these, approximately the 70% (about 15), is present on at least one of the most important Italian real estate portals ( – –, etc.). These are the ones you will probably consult when looking for property in Italy at the best price (bear in mind they will only be in Italian language), therefore there is a large slice of agencies (about 30%, and therefore 7/8 agencies) that will not appear at all on the main real estate portals that you will comfortably consult from your couch.
Don’t ask me why – it’s probably just a matter of costs since it doesn’t cost a little for an agency to subscribe to these advertising channels and secure the best positions.
At the same time, there are still some agencies that don’t have their websites, but that’s a different matter.
I know what you’re thinking: This will be worse for the agencies who are not advertising their properties, as it means they will not sell them.
You’re right, but that’s not the point.
If a good 30% of the agencies do not publish their proposals, it means that if one of these agencies is managing the sale of your ideal property, you will never be aware of it… for the simple fact that it is not on the internet.
That’s why I call them “Invisible Houses”.
The only alternative will be just to enter their offices personally, when you come here to Italy, or to call each agency one by one – but we know that all this is very time-consuming and wasteful.
It’s important to establish a program of visits from home, to have more free time to enjoy some holidays and also to amortize the expenses of the trip.
There are plenty of Invisible Houses for sale on the market that could represent an important opportunity for you.
Below I’ll list some of the channels, representing the remaining 50% of the properties on sale, in which there might be your ideal property.
– Here is where you can find Invisible Houses on sale:
there are private individuals or construction companies affixing the “FOR SALE” sign in front of their properties, like old times. For choice, they only embark on the road of the DIY without the help of real estate agents, meaning for you will be impossible to know of their existence, unless you are already on the place.
There are several real estate agencies not publishing properties abroad at all. Perhaps because they do not have staff speaking your language, or because promoting and publishing ads on foreign portals is very expensive. Some private sellers will post listings on free portals, but the contraindication that you have in consulting these channels is to run into outdated advertisements of properties that are still publicly visible online, but have already been sold for some time.
There are also minor real estate websites, which only we insiders know, but precisely because they are less known, you wont find out that your ideal property is on sale.
Both the Italian Government and the Catholic Church are disposing of their real estate assets, and, in general, I can assure you that this information cannot be known through the classic advertising channels. Think about it, perhaps the Government has your ideal home on sale right now.
There are people, especially owners of particularly valuable properties, who are selling but do not want to appear in any advertisement, to protect their privacy.
There are many situations for which an owner is making the decision, or has just decided, to put a property that could meet your needs on the market.
Properties at auction could also be a great opportunity for you;
There may be, in your favorite location, the possibility of a future project for the construction of a new housing scheme in which will be built the house you were looking for;
I could stay here and list you great sources of information to find invisible houses for sale in Italy, but it is important for you to understand 2 fundamental aspects:
Within this slice of the market, there are often the best opportunities, since the number of applicants decreases dramatically. This allows to find your property in Italy at the most convenient price possible.
Almost everyone is led to follow the classic search procedure, ending up battling with many other buyers – representing YOUR competition.
If you want to find out how to beat YOUR competition, read my guide or call us directly and we’ll tell you what to do to find a property in Italy at the best price!
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